Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Bauhaus's Ideologi, Concept and Method in Architecture

Bauhaus’s Ideologi, Concept and Method

in Architecture

Ideologi, Konsep dan Metode Bauhaus

dalam Arsitektur



R. Puspito Harimurti,ST.,M.Sc.1,

Ir. Djoko Wijono, M.Arch2,

Ir. Adi Utomo Hatmoko, M.Arch2

Instansi Asal


1Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, 2Universitas Gadjah Mada


The Bauhaus was an institution, and a school of taught of arts and design which generate an idea of reform on arts and craft and architecture movement in Germany in the early of the 20th Century. As one of the early of the modern movement proponent, Bauhaus was confronted with a variaty of ‘ism’, from Expressionism, Cubism, Rationalism even with the Germany’s Neue Sachlichkeit, which coloured their concepts development of arts and craft and architecture. This research is intended to know the principles and The Bauhaus’s ideology, concepts and method in Architecture.

This research is based its method on the rasionalistic approach with the content analysis technique, provide the principles of the master of forms of the Bauhaus likes Walter Gropius, Johannes Itten, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee dan also Lazlo Moholy Nagy, to form an a frame conceptions of the Bauhaus in architecture, which consist of method, concepts and an ideology. This frame conceptions would be used to analyse three samples of the Bauhaus products in achitecture (Sommerfeld House, Haus am Horn dan Bauhaus Dessau) for its empirically indications meanings.

This research shows two result in general, that there are two parts of the Bauhaus concepts in architecture; the primary Bauhaus’s concepts on architecture, including zeitgeist and gesamkunstwerk which indicated on all of their product on architecture; the rasionalistic-industrial arts, social arts and metaphysic which was an secondary concepts that could indicate their era of products. The second result of this research is, The Bauhaus as a melting pot in to which many of the ‘ism’, artistic and architectual production merged. With the melting pot, Bauhaus succeded in superimposed all ‘ism’, artistic and architectual production, as a conception of design or the education, with which, state the universally principles that co-exist with the spirit of the age (zeitgeist). The Bauhaus ideology can be considered as a dynamic, become a melting pot from the alll ‘ism’ in the Bauhaus. This research also shows that the great contribution of the Bauhaus was its duality, or better still, 'trinity', that enabled cross-fertilisation of technique and arts; positivism, rationalism and romanticism, that all contributed to a coherent, albeit dynamic expression radiating an utopia.

Keywords: Rationalism, Functionalism, Cubism, Expressionism , Neue Sachlichkeit , Zeitgeist, Gesamkunstwerk, Melting Pot, Duality, Trinity

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